"Get All Of The Know-How To Transform Public Domain Content Into Money In Your Bank Account"
Dear Savvy Author/ Publisher/ Information Product Creator,
Do you want to know how you can quickly create lucrative video courses fast using free high-quality public domain content?
Do you want to know how to publish high-quality Kindle books using public domain content and be completely within Amazon's Terms Of Service? (You no long have to worry about losing your Kindle account.)
Do you want to see how to effectively use Public Domain content to easily create cookbooks, one of the hottest selling categories on Amazon?
Do you want to know where to find quality public domain content fast?
Do you want to be able to quickly and easily tell if a piece of content is actually in the public domain so that you know that it is legally safe to use?
Do you want the latest and best search hacks and tricks for finding public domain content fast?
Best of all...
You Get My Latest Cutting Edge, Step-By-Step, Training On How To Quickly Create Quality Video Courses Using Public Domain Content That Sell On Udemy, Skillshare and Amazon Video Direct Priced at Only $197
Here's Everything You're Getting Right Now:

Create & Sell Video Courses FAST Using Public Domain Content
Public Domain content is literally everywhere.
And sometimes you may feel like an alchemist trying to convert lead into gold with it.
Fact is, creating profitable courses with public domain content is not alchemy, all it takes is implementing a few key steps.
When you know these seemingly hidden steps you'll know how well your information product will sell; where to source high quality public domain content; and how to use that content to create video courses that you can sell on sites like Udemy, Amazon Video Direct, Skillshare, Thinkific and Gumroad.

How To Organize Public Domain Content Into A High Value Course
Public domain content is everywhere.
Organized, easy to follow and useful to the average bear public domain content is not.
That's why I'm going to show you a simple way to take your public domain content and turn it into an easy to use format so that you can plug it into and use it as part of your video course.

How To Dress Up Your Public Domain Content: From The Pauper To A Prince:
People say don't judge a book by it's cover.
We all know that's not true.
Here are the tricks anyone can use, regardless of their graphic design ability, to make their video course look polished and pro.
The only judgment they'll have to share is how much they love what you have.

The Perfect Platform For Your New Course
All roads lead to Rome they say.
Well when selling your brand new video course you want all roads lead to profitability.
In this case the road you pick will determine where you want to sell your course online.
This video will introduce you to a host of marketplaces and platforms built specifically to help you sell your course.
And the best news is you do not need a website, a merchant account, a autoresponder or hosting.
All For Only $197
Here's How This Massive Deal Benefits You...
- Video courses are some of the most highly profitable things that you can create in your business and using information in the public domain allows you to shortcut the creation process by weeks or even months!
- You'll see how to use my 2-step Amazon checklist that helps determine whether there's a market that's willing to pay for those products.
- Discover how to take messy public domain content and turn it into an easy to use and even easier to sell course
- The easiest way to find public domain content you can easily use, even if you don't know the first thing about the subject.
- Simple ways to add even more value to your content and higher value means you can charge higher prices
This Massive Value
Yours For Only $197!
And If The Huge $173 Savings Isn't Enough I'm Also Throwing In...
6 FREE BONUSES Worth Over $400!
Creating Cookbooks Fast Using Public Domain Content A $147 Value

Cookbooks are one of the biggest categories in the Kindle store, most of the content is in the public domain - because you can't copyright a list of ingredients and just a little twist on a theme can get you big sales.

In this bonus I'll show you how to find recipe content, determine whether or not it can be used for Public Domain and then create your own recipe books and products to sell for profits!
Public Domain Kindle Book Profits A $77 Value

Build a Kindle Publishing Passive Revenue Stream FAST Without a Website, Email List, Ad Budget or PayPal Account By Using Public Domain Content In An Amazon Approved Way!
Create Hot-Selling Info-Products FAST and FREE Using Google Hangouts-On-Air A $67 Value

I'm a huge advocate of you creating and selling information products. Trouble is most folks don't know how or think its too complicated and beyond their ability.
In this bonus training I walk you through how to quickly create info-products using nothing more than a free slide presentation software and Google Hangouts-On-Air that you can sell on sites like Udemy, Skillshare, Amazon Video Direct and even your own website.
I even show you how to edit your videos in YouTube and even download your video files (mp4) so can upload them anywhere you'd like - Udemy for example.
This is the first and only time I've taught this training and I've gotta say its good... real good... and you're getting it free with this deal.
How To Tell If Content Is In The Public Domain A $37 Value

In years past I've lost hundreds of dollars in monthly recurring revenue because of products I thought were in the public domain were not.
And I'm going to reveal to you how to avoid this very problem using this process for more easily determining whether or not content is in the public domain.
It's simple, easy, fast and protects your future income source.
101 Places To Find Public Domain Content A $37 Value

It's not exactly easy to find public domain content unless you know where you're looking.
Over the years I've found a lot of little known but rich honey holes of public domain content and put them altogether in one easy to use bonus.
No matter what kind of public domain content you're looking for you can probably find it using this resource.
Search Tips To Find Public Domain Content Fast A $37 Value

New sources and veins of public domain content are coming up all the time but here's the thing, there's never much advertising about these kinds of sources.
That's why this training will prove invaluable for you because you'll be able to go and easily
discover these hidden sources of public domain content for yourself.
This means that you'll be able to draw on an almost limitless amount of public domain content at a moment's notice.